My First Fandoms
Before I gush about my favorite TV shows from my younger days, (I still love them too!) you need to know something. I did not have any cable or satellite TV, I had about 5 channels growing up. I know, the struggle was real, but my grandma had cable at her house. When I went to visit her, which was at least once a week, I would spend hours in front of the TV absorbing all kinds of shows that I normally never watched. I watched a lot of TV, but these three shows stick with me the most. So without further ado; lets go back in time and learn about what TV shows I thought (and still think) are totally awesome!
Teen Titans
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed quite a few DC cartoons when I was younger. I watched Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, I also caught a few episodes of the cool, futuristic Batman; Batman Beyond. However, Teen Titans makes this list because I watched almost all of the episode while I was at my grandma's house, so I understood and followed this show the best. I also loved all the characters equally, because each one had something really unique to bring to the table. Robin was the leader and he didn't need any powers to kick some serious butt. Starfire is awesome because she is an alien and she is so sweet and naive, but she is so strong and powerful, and that dynamic was so inspiring to me. Then there was Cyborg, who was both a human and a robot and his character was funny and strong and supportive. Beast Boy could turn into any animal he wanted to, which was super cool, and he was hilarious and dorky. Finally there was Raven who was just so dark and mysterious, calm and collected, but super powerful and scary when she wanted to be. When I re-watched this show, I realized it tackled a lot of mature themes during its run on TV. All around it was a pretty awesome show, especially for any super heroes fans like me!
Random Fandom Stuff: When I was a kid, I totally shipped Robin and Starfire!! They were so cute together! Now I also ship Beast Boy and Raven because of the whole opposites attract thing and I think they would be really good to each other!
Then, while I was watching Arrow back in its second season, and the show revealed the antagonist to be Slade Wilson/Deathstroke...the fandom stars aligned and I was geeking out because Slade was the big bad in Teen Titans for most of the shows run!!!
Danny Phantom
Here was a show that I got to watch in its entirety that I thought was awesome! The whole story set up fascinated me. The idea that ghosts existed in another dimension was cool! I remember watching Danny get his ghost powers and thinking that was fantastic and wishing I had ghost powers too! Turing invisible, flying, being able to pass through solid objects, shooting energy blasts from his hands; Danny was one of my favorite characters to watch. And Sam and Tucker were cool too! I wished the show had lasted longer, I think it could have gone into some interesting directions if it had been given the chance. A lot of what made this show amazing flew right over my head as a kid, but now I can appreciate it and understand just what little perks the show had to offer. My favorite is Lancer, the English teacher curses by shouting book titles! Brilliant!
Random Fandom Stuff: I shipped Danny and Sam long before they ever realized they were perfect for each other. I just knew they were meant to be.
Since the show ended too soon, you can read some fan fiction here: and let amateur writers take you on new adventures with Danny. But reader beware, some fan fiction is not for the faint of heart.
Avatar The Last Airbender

Random Fandom Stuff: I think I always shipped Aang and Katara because since episode one, they have been together and I liked how Aang had always had a crush on her. I think Toph and Sokka would have made a good couple, I am fairly sure Toph had a crush on him, but Sokka and Suki were alright too.
The sister show The Legend of Korra continues the story of the avatar and the four nations and is similar enough to be reminiscent of the original series, but is totally different at the same time. It is no longer a show just for kids.
Also, Uncle Iroh is the uncle everyone deserves! He loves tea and gives the best advice and knew how to make you break down in tears. I miss Uncle Iroh.
So to wrap up here, I would like to share with you all another reason these three shows stick out in my mind as influential from my childhood. In each show, I totally had a crush on at least one of the characters. Call me crazy but I can't help it if I thought Robin was cute and Danny was easy on the eyes and Zuko was HOT!!! For animated characters, they are ridiculously good-looking!
Anyways, I had a lot of shows I loved and worshiped but I narrowed it down to three which was really hard. So what about you guys? What shows from your childhood were you obsessed with? Comment down below so we can all walk down memory lane together!See ya next Friday!
Wow! I never watched any of these shows very often, but they sure sound like a lot of fun. I was more of a PBS Kids child, so I have fond memories of Zoom, Zaboomafoo, Liberty's Kids, and Arthur. I'm pretty sure I can still sing the theme song to all of those shows.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I actually really loved Danny Phantom and Avatar The Last Airbender. As soon as I got home from school the first thing I would watch was Spongebob Squarepants (I still do, actually), but I always still looked forward to watching Danny and his ghost powers and Aang figuring his way to be the Avatar. I would probably still watch them today, too. Oh, and by the way, I always had a crush on Danny and Zuko, too! (;
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, before reading your blog, I actually did not know about the show Avatar The Last Airbender. But it seems that it's a great show, and I guess it's not too late for me to start watching it now! The shows I watched as a kid are mostly the Japanese kind, like the pokemon, digimon, and dozens more that I can name after those.
ReplyDeleteTeen Titans was my show back in the day! it was probably my favorite show for a period of about two years! Thank you for brining back fond memories! :)
ReplyDeleteAlthough I never watched these shows, I loved waking up at 6 AM and climbing in bed with my dad to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I remember Johnny Quest and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and sometimes Scooby Doo if it was a really lazy morning. On my own, I watched shows like Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Brady Bunch.
ReplyDeleteI only ever caught the occasional episode of Teen Titans, I also grew up with only five channels and had to go to my aunt's house to watch it. Thankfully, by the time Danny Phantom and Avatar: The Last Airbender came out we had cable and I could watch it to my hearts content. I also remember really liking American Dragon Jake Long.